Monday 5 September 2011

The more I learn

It seems that the more I learn about the net and all the uses to which it is put the less I know what I am doing. I would love to know if anyone ever reads what I write on Twitter, Facebook and where-have-you. I am trying desperately to tell the world about my first novel, 77, and to find out who can seperate the fact from what is pure fiction and the many parts where I have allowed fiction to enhance the fact.

If any author who has experience of writing for the Print on Demand market would care to make contact I would welcome him/her with open arms ... metaphorically anyway. I mean, I am a respectable - well, nearly respectable - married man.

At the very root of 77 there is a serious question: can a 17 year old male student and a 35 year old woman even hope to share a love that will stand the tests of time? What would be their immediate problems? What would their predictions be for the long term? What might happen when the pressures of time demand immediate action?

Learn more here.

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